I have gone through your blogs. There are mostly general feedback that I have, anything specific I will try to answer it on whatsapp. Some (and quite a few) of you have not uploaded your ongoing work. Please note that blog is like a journal so you maintain it regularly; no matter how rough the work is, put it up. its for you to see.
Here are the feedback:
1. Some excellent work and detailed organized research such as Parth Dhomkar, Part Batavia, Pramod, Roshan, Maria, Aditi, Akkshit, Ritika, Sanjana, viraj, Raghvi- quite a few to name,
2. Some are very basic such as Ayushi, Jishnu and others
3. of course there are who have not posted anything as yet.
General Observations:
1. Most of you are still in the brainstorming and research stage. We need to at least note down the key parameters discovered through research (qualitative and quantitative) and categorize the information under various headings.
2. About your process, you are on the right track. Most of you. A bit of work on the organization of the blog (Prayesh your blog text is going haywire), Check the blogs by your friends. Most of your answers are very much there.
3. Would also like to see a few design process you are referring; post links and images.
4. Some of you have taken photographs and videos for your field research, downloaded stuff from the net; it’s not difficult to upload them. You don’t have wifi use your mobile connections. DO SOMETHING!
Next steps and examples:
This categorization will also help you to know what is the end result that you are visualizing and you can plot it nicely, Check Akkshit's blog. He has tried to visualize the cycles of the problem. This is how you need to visualize the problem area and the design intervention.
This is an exercise to link individual stakeholders (various people who are linked to the problem, their roles and contribution to address the issues) and create a holistic picture of issue and its solutions: how they are linked. It is somewhat like your mental model but much more visual.
This is also possible because you are working with only selected parameters. In the brainstorming phase the parameters are too many and the linkage often are vague so visualization becomes a painstaking process.
Your synthesis, solution sketches needs to
be uploaded regularly, only then the blog will make any sense.
Till now great going.
Oh yes, somebody enquired about business
model. Even if its campus specific or location specific, it would have a
business proposition. Take wastage, even if your solution is better placement
of the existing dustbins, somebody will have to clean them, place them in the
exact locations- they have to be paid, given uniforms, or outsourced. Business
model is the economics of the solution. Sometime may not be a tangible return
or profit. If your solution is paved path, you may reduce accidents, that also
is a return for the design process.
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