Initial problem statement - what are the problems faced by emergency response services ?
The topic was chosen on the bases of a recent situation witnessed by the researcher where in emergency services were unable to function to their full optimum.
In order to decide an area of research brainstorming was done .Where in the objective was to select one word out of many and to explore the possibilities of new a research area.
With the process starting with the broad category of transport the final word for next phase was emergency response services.Out of all the services ambulance was selected as the final emergency response service.On the bases of field research it was found that the ambulance network is quite intriguing for further exploration.From there on, the area of focus became the effiency of ambulance response network .
During field research (eg: nobel hospital ) , interview was used for data collection.The following are a few examples of the questions asked --
1.Why did you want to become a ambulance driver ?
2.Do you think your perception has changed about the job from before joining to present time.
3.How many years of experience do you have in the job ?
4.What do you think should be changed in the proffession to attract more people to join.
5.What are the problems you face in this proffession ?
As for now this is it,but stay stuned for future posts.