Dumping grounds cause many problems and discomforts to the people residing nearby. In many cases, these grounds are usually surrounded by below poverty line families who live in slums.
The most common death cause in slums has been found out to be due to respiratory diseases.
Step 1-
Waste/garbage is collected from all the residential areas.
Step 2-
Waste is transported to the dumping ground nearby with the help of "Ghanta Gadis" or garbage trucks.
Step 3-
In the dumping ground, labourers segregate the waste into recyclable and non -recyclable.
Step 4-
Recyclable waste like plastic, metal etc is sent to processing companies. Where as non-recyclable waste like organic waste is burnt.
The odor + the burning of the waste cause many respiratory problems to the localites.
Dumping grounds also lead to insect breeding and can be one of the most hazardous areas.
Possible solution -
Rather than burning the waste, it can be deposited into the ground for decomposing.
Alternative -
It seems like India always has to have a different approach towards everything. Unlike in many countries where people bury the dead in the ground, Indians burn them instead. This is found to be the same in case of garbage disposal. In many countries like USA and Canada, desposal of the waste is done by "landfilling" rather than burning it.
Landfill is the process of waste desposal where the waste is buried in the ground.
~ The waste that is desposed produces carbon dioxide and methane. As methane is lighter it can be captured and displaced for better usage i.e. as renewable energy.
~ The decoposed material can add on to the soil and make it's quality better and more resourceful.
Solution 2-
This solution is more idealistic and hypothetical.
As observed earlier, many of the problems that are caused to the slum population are due to the urban population.
It is right on urban populations part to get frustrated as people from rural areas come and seize their lands and reside in their areas.
But being literate and healthy employed, it is also our duty to be concerned about the slum population and their wellbeing no matter how wrong the situation is.
We should understand the problems that are leading to health issues in the slums.
People residing in slum areas must be helped with proper planning and managing. Urban population can raise funds for better infrastructure facilities and renovation of the slum houses.
Slum areas can be gotten rid of if people like us take the initiative of helping them maintain a better living space for themselves.
Education also plays an important role. Many government policies were made to promote education in the minorities but mant of them have failed due to the rigid mentality of the people.
Slums of Mumbai.
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